EANR2017 wants your contribution! Academics, industrialists, entrepreneurs, and policy makers will have their choice of ways to present. The event will feature plenary, panel, poster, and elevator pitch formats to get your message across! Please note that regardless of your presentation style, you must submit a paragraph abstract of your planned presentation. This guides the committee in the evolving design of the event.
Please note that select Paper Format submissions are eligible for publication consideration in a relevant high impact peer-reviewed journal. OSES2016 Special Journal Editions partnered with Elsevier's Journal of Energy Storage and IET's Renewable Power Generation.
OSES2017 will feature the following non-exhaustive compilation of topics.
Coastal/Offshore Energy Harvesting Technologies
Coastal/Offshore Energy Storage Technologies
Compressed Air (underground, undersea, above ground)
Liquid Air
Thermal Stores
Electrochemical Stores
Pumped Hydro (submerged, shaft based, coastal, offshore)
Coastal/Offshore Generation Integrated Storage Technologies
Islanded Energy System Innovations
Mini/Micro Grid
System Integration and Controls
Transmission Technologies
Environmentally Symbiotic Relationships in Energy Systems
Coastal/Offshore Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technology and Policy
Innovative Mechanisms in Renewable Energy Market Design
Please submit a 300 - 400 word abstract in PDF format to rupp@uwindsor.ca with OSES2017 ABSTRACT in the Subject Line, by Monday, March 20, 2017. When submitting your abstract, please specify:
1. The author’s contact information (name, email, mailing address, and phone).
2. Whether you prefer "presentation only" or "paper-presentation" format.
The abstract will be reviewed for its suitability. The acceptance of an abstract is on the understanding that at least one of the authors will register and present. The program chair will arrange presentation sessions and panel discussions.
Authors of accepted abstracts are encouraged to submit an 8 to 12 page paper in BOTH MSWord and PDF format. Papers must be submitted by JUNE 15, 2017 to OSES2017 Technical Chair, Professor Tonio Sant, [tonio.sant@um.edu.mt]. Selected papers will be considered for publication in an associated Journal to be announced shortly! For the paper format please adhere to the Word template available at the link below.